Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Smoothies and fruits combination

Why do I think it's better not to mix the fruits?
Simply because it's tastier to eat them like that. You can blend them or juice if you like, but if you add any other fruit taste will be changed and according to my experience any "mixture" slows down digestion. Or may be it's because when I first tried to mix fruits I've already had couple of years experience eating mono and for me mixing didn't work.

Mangoes and grapes = ok?  

May be according to someone else's categories they are subacids or whatever, I just tell you based on my experience and I don't care about these categories. To tell you the truth grapes are no-no with any other fruits , because they easily get  fermented as well as melons. Why then mix grapes??? Make a juice just out of grapes.
Why are raisins best soaked?
You're right, there is no reason for raisins to be soaked if you blend them with other watery fruits. If raisins should be soaked, then it'd be logical not use raisins but use normal grapes. Raisins are OK, but for sure grapes are better :)


For me it doesn't sound like a good idea. Citrus would cover the smell of strawberry if you see what I mean. And at the same time citrus , especially lemons and grapefruits are very intense, very strong and if you add up them to any smoothy or a salad it should be a minimum.

Other thoughts concerning your tastes and dietary preferences:
From what you've written smoothies you make like mango+banana+romain which tastes like chocolate chips it gives me an idea you still like tastes of processed food/cooked food whatever you call it and because of that you still like mixing. It would be better if you could try to develop your "likes" for a natural taste of fruits. May be you can do it in the future. The problem with mixing and finding new tastes or something that reminds of already known tastes from cooked food only maintains the existing habit for trying new tastes and leads to experimenting with new tastes. It works like an addiction to all processed/cooked food. Well, people say give it a try when they speak about new diet and they think in terms of 30 days or 3 months or so . I'd say give it a try it means 1 year. I understand why people say give it a try of one month - They just want to get a new follower and not everyone will be as decisive to give a try if this try would last for a year. But at the same time if people would realize it's not just another diet for a while and that it needs determination they would think twice or more of consequences of changing the diet.

So, IMO give it a try for a year and better if you start with 2 days fasting on water if your physical conditions will allow you to do that. After two days of fasting, start you next day with a juice about 200 ml or with a smoothy the same amount . I don't see a lot of difference between juice and smoothy after juice 2 days of fasting. Nothing bad happens if you eat a smoothy. Of course if we talk of 3+ days fasting then there is a big difference between eating a smoothy or a juice.

For your ulcer: greens such as okra will do good for you.

If you have some more questions just write them and I will answer or may be will write another post based on them. Hopefully it might be of any help to you and some other people.



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