Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Maprao (coconut)+spinach+parsley+tomato smoothy

It happened unexpectedly how I came up with a recipe of this smoothie or thick juice. I was juicing my greens and then suddenly I've decided to use this juice to dissolve my coconut meat in a blender. I took meat of a one young coconut, so the meat isn't old and quite soft yet, not more than 3mm of high 3 big red tomatoes ( each around 150g) bunch of parsley (about 20g) if you want you can add some spinach leaves too. it depends on your taste. I added half of a glass of green juice made of spinach, tomatoes and parsley too. I used juice because I wanted my smoothie to be more liquid. Then blend it till all ingredients are very smooth. That's it. Number of tomatoes used as well depends on your taste , now sour and salty you want your smoothie to be. The more tomatoes, the more saltier and sour it'll become. Parsley is awesome as it adds up a wonderful aroma, very fresh. So, as you see it's all about experimenting and you can experiment with a taste too. I've just given here an example of what it might be like. meat of your coconut should be somewhat like that or a little bit thicker., but not old. Otherwise taste will be different.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Sapodilla+banana juice

Today I made sapodilla with bananas juice. Proportion was 1:1, but you can make it 2:1 ( 2 parts of bananas and 1 part of sapodilla) . If you want more cakelike taste you should add more sapodillas, if you want juice to color your juice , make it a bit chocolatelike then add less sapodillas. Taste and aroma is amazing! for a couple of glasses of such juice I used at around 250 g of bananas and 250 g of sapodillas. and bananas "Namwa"

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Tomato+celery juice

Tomato and celery juice is one of my very favorite non-sweet juices. Proportion is 1:1. My tomatoes are a bit sour, that's why proportions are equal, if tomatoes are not sour, then you can more tomatoes and less celery. A little tip: if you like spices you can add up a pinch of coriander powder into your juice and /or juice a tiny bit of chili pepper Benefits are many but the most known and important is celery is an amazing diuretic and tomatoes contain tyramine which controls blood pressure.

Pitaya+mango+banana juice

Today I made pitaya ( dragon fruit), mango and banana juice. I used 4 bananas sort namwa, if you use normal Kavendish bananas you will need only 2 bananas, 1 pitaya, 1/2 of medium mango ( sweet variety). From al these I get around 500ml of juice. Taste is quite delicious especially for chocolate lovers as it has slightly chocolate taste. because of mango I added. It's a green mango with yellow flesh that I used for a juice in another post. This is pitaya or dragon fruit This is mangoes Bananas "Namwa" they are small, about 1/2 of a normal bananas and taste is less sweet, texture is very soft.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The best green juice for me Spinach+Celery

The very best juice for me has only two ingredients : spinach and celery in a proportion 1:1 for example if I take 200g of celery I add up 3 stalks of celery and an outcome will be about 250ml of juice. That's it. Very easy, very quick and very healthy. Celery and spinach are both great source of natural Na. No need for salt , let along bunch of other vital minerals and vitamins.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

mango juice

very easy mango juice! NO sugar We take 3 medium size mangoes ( sweet variety and ripe) around 200-250g each. Peel them, cut and juice. if it's too sweet you can dissolve it with water, just a little, you don't want to change the texture of a juice , it's nicely sticky . What you will get is between 1.5 or 2 glasses of juice, depends on your juicer and juicing method :) I took this variety of mangoes. They are very yellow inside and very sweet, sweeter than yellow mangoes. health benefits are immense starting from cure of anemia to improving eye vision and improving insulin levels, great source of copper. Copper and zinc are always in need in our bodies and we use them a lot

Friday, February 17, 2017

Grapes+apple juice

I wanted to know is what taste it would be if I'd add up some apples to grapes juice ( I used dark red grapes). One big apple ( around 250g) and 0.5 kg of grapes=0.5+ liter of juice. very nice. before I made grapes juice but I had to dissolve it with some water because it was too sweet, now adding an apple all became as it should be, not too sweet. An apple I used was of a sweet taste too, still it softened extreme sweetness of grapes.