Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Maprao (coconut)+spinach+parsley+tomato smoothy

It happened unexpectedly how I came up with a recipe of this smoothie or thick juice. I was juicing my greens and then suddenly I've decided to use this juice to dissolve my coconut meat in a blender. I took meat of a one young coconut, so the meat isn't old and quite soft yet, not more than 3mm of high 3 big red tomatoes ( each around 150g) bunch of parsley (about 20g) if you want you can add some spinach leaves too. it depends on your taste. I added half of a glass of green juice made of spinach, tomatoes and parsley too. I used juice because I wanted my smoothie to be more liquid. Then blend it till all ingredients are very smooth. That's it. Number of tomatoes used as well depends on your taste , now sour and salty you want your smoothie to be. The more tomatoes, the more saltier and sour it'll become. Parsley is awesome as it adds up a wonderful aroma, very fresh. So, as you see it's all about experimenting and you can experiment with a taste too. I've just given here an example of what it might be like. meat of your coconut should be somewhat like that or a little bit thicker., but not old. Otherwise taste will be different.

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