Thursday, May 29, 2014

I've been thinking for a long time about food and why people eat as they eat and actually I came to a conclusion  that the problem with people is that we like tastes that's why all this mess with different dishes, how to vary the daily menu,  etc.  Probably it's one of the reasons why I didn't have a blog in English, because when I see people talking about raw food they usually talk about mixing ingredients and they offer a cook book or videos or anything else that has to do with cooking( mixing). and if one makes a blog about just eating one thing at a time or mono eating and eating less than 3000 kcal a day....what one can expect? what is it to read on such a blog ? :)  I found couple of such blogs with mono eating, but still they  write something about nutrients and even provide quite good tables with fruit/veggies nutrient's ok, sometimes it works, I mean I don't even believe in nutrients, because human body can build itself deriving nutrient not just from the food. If you ask me how I know it , I just think for example some people live in California and have vit D deficiency, while others live in North don't have it. It's the same about other nutrients.  I think now what is more important is how to eat I mean not overeat even on fruits, work on energy including breath ( simple, not for a yoga competition or another competition :). in this case food becomes just a part of this program of human body evolution as it should be, because as I deeply believe  human beings have different sources of "nutrition". Everything depends on energy and how much energy one has.  Energy doesn't come only from food, food is just one source. Other sources can be sunlight, energy ( prana) surrounding us, even physical exercises, good emotions. Well, actually everything from above is energy, so the question becomes how to get this energy , how to accumulate it from different sources? It's an open question. I have just some ideas on how it might work, I'm not ready to give a profound answer for this question, but I work on it and I trying to find some practical knowledge based on my lifestyle. Recently I've bee practicing meditation ( after reading Anne Wise book, it's a research about different brainwaves) and I'm making quite a good progress in it. Before I never was interested in meditation, I thought it was boring and not for me, just sit quite and concentrate on something! well, it made me was really far from being anything practical for me, but now I do it and it is practical, but may be I have to say that meditation becomes practical only when you start practicing deep meditation, otherwise all these15-20 min of sittings called meditation give only some rest to the body, but you can't reach your deeper self. I mean if you've been practicing quite for a while any meditation you can reach this state of mind quite quickly , but then after you're in you will not get out of it just in 15 minutes, time runs much faster while you're in such a mind state and when you're awake again you see almost an hour passed. But I must say that I'm still a beginner and for me one hour it's quite a time for a meditation, but I know people who can stay in a meditation for several hours. I'm not talking about transcendental meditation , I haven't tried it, but according to a description of  what I've read about it such a state of mind can be reached through a normal meditation, especially the well known sensation of "falling down" is quite normal for a common meditation as well.

OK, enough for this post. I think next one will be about food. I'll try to put some of my ideas into few posts.